Eddie Cibrian Naked

Have a look at the following attractive nude vids and leaked photos of Eddie Cibrian! Edward Carl Eddie is actually from the USA actor. Eddie posesses a huge penis featured in all of these pics! Cibrian has got starred in The Young along with the Restless, Baywatch Nights, Sunset Beach as leading man Cole Deschanel, Third Watch as womanizing New York City firefighter Jimmy Doherty, Tilt as rising poker star Eddie Towne, along with Invasion as Everglades park ranger Russell Varon. One of the vids shows Eddie getting naked showing his massive cock. Besides his acting career, he additionally sang in the soul-pop boy band 3Deep from 1998 to 2001 along with his Young along with The Restless costar along with real life best friend Joshua Morrow along with Canadian performer CJ Huyer. I hope you love the sizzling hot gallery!