James Remar Naked

Take a look at the following hunky naked movies & pics of James Remar. James is actually from the USA actor. James posesses a massive penis featured in these leaked pics. Remar was cast as Corporal Hicks in the 1986 science-fiction/horror film Aliens, yet was replaced by Michael Biehn shortly after filming began due to creative differences with director James Cameron. Lots of these vids shows James getting undressed exposing his hard cock!!!! Other films include Drugstore Cowboy, Fear X, Boys on the Side, Hellraiser: Inferno, The Quest, Wedlock, Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, Rites of Passage, Blade: Trinity, 2 Fast 2 Furious, The Girl Next Door along with in 1998 he played the patrolman in Psycho. We hope you enjoy the following sexy photos!!!!