Paul Johansson Naked

Have a look at all these sizzling hot nude vids in addition to photographs of Paul Johansson. Paul Joseph Otto Johansson is actually from the USA-born Canadian actor, writer along with director, best regarded for playing Dan Scott on the WB/CW television series, One Tree Hill, along with for his role as Nick Wolfe on the short lived Highlander: The Series spin-off Highlander: The Raven. Paul posesses a massive penis featured in these pics!! Johansson became well-known to fans of 90210 for playing John Sears, a fraternity brother who unsuccessfully vied for the affections of Kelly Taylor along with set up Steve Sanders to burglarize a professor’s office. One of these leaked videos includes Paul in bed showing his hot body!!!! He additionally appeared in commercials, most notably as the delivery man in a Diet Coke commercial. I hope you love the following hot vids